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E-Commerce Exchange

Exchange is the intersection of sales enablement and e-commerce, a single location where sellers, buyers, and service providers can interact to get deals done in real time.

Platform Management

FI Exchange is the market-leading, enterprise-grade technology that supports growth. It’s scalable, as we meet the requirements of the industry’s largest enterprises, but we’re intuitive and nimble enough for small teams, too.

Exchange is extensible. We work cohesively with the technology your business depends on every day, and we have extensive APIs so that developers can tap in with their own solutions. Through our global cloud infrastructure, there are truly no limits to what Exchange can do. We support users across all devices, teams, and global geographies with speed, availability, and security.

Experience & Commerce Management

FI Exchange is an open platform. We integrate seamlessly with your current tech stack to create better experiences through extensive APIs, easy importability, and sandboxes. We maintain compliance and easily support enterprise SSO solutions for seamless user access and control.

FI Exchange is a truly unified experience.We centralize what sellers need: content, learning, coaching, buyer engagement tools, and insights with an intuitive user experience and powerful integrations. Pair Exchange data collection and machine learning to reveal the content, behaviors, and activities that truly accelerate deals.

We help you attract the right audience, convert more visitors into customers, and run marketing campaigns at scale — all on one powerful, easy-to-use platform

Buyers haven’t changed. E-commerce has just changed the buying process. Give buyers the digital experience they want when they want it and support them with human interaction when they need it. Focus on offering relevant information, a frictionless path to purchase, and a great customer experience at every touchpoint.

Exchange Cloud

Powerful sales software helps teams close more deals, deepen relationships, and manage their pipeline more effectively on one connected platform. It Includes sales engagement tools, quote and CPQ functionality, CRM integration, reporting and analytics, and more — plus the ability to seamlessly integrate with industry-specific service providers for freight, warranty, financing, and many other applications.

Content management software is flexible and gives your customers a personalized, secure experience. It allows well-trained sales professionals to challenge and educate buyers. This results in increased sales and margins due to the optimized product mix, service speed, and confidence that customers will receive valuable insights from sales consultants.

Payment Gateway Cloud

Heavy equipment companies require customized commerce solutions to accommodate a range of unique transactions and industry requirements, including card-present purchases, higher average invoices, and custom Level 3 data output.

Simplify payments by integrating our cloud-based platform into your dealership’s departments. The secure and flexible platform offers automation tools that streamline daily operations and increase payment security.

Our platform supports workflows across the service, parts, sales, rental, and finance departments, and makes integration into the most popular DMS/ERPs easy. Whether you need solutions for multiple locations or a single dealership, we help process payments efficiently.

Enabling E-Commerce

A Solution for Dealers and Customers Alike

FI Exchange is your one-stop shop for connecting with customers. Sellers can effectively manage inventory and reach new customers. Buyers can quickly and easily search the visual database for the equipment, parts, and attachments they need.

Unlike other used parts sites, FI Exchange is full of clear photos and detailed descriptions, so you’ll immediately get relevant information (manufacturer, model, manufacturer) while also ascertaining a part’s condition.

Save valuable time and money with more efficient purchases and sales through FI Exchange.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does it take to research a machine for sale, or purchase? How many websites do you have to log into to assemble machine history and pricing information? How long does the deal stay on the street while you spend valuable time researching information to get back to the customer. Fast Iron brings all the valuable information into one place so you can respond to a customer in seconds rather than hours.
Wherever it needs to come from. There is no single source. Data lives in multiple locations at the dealership, the enterprise and various third party service providers. Fast Iron connects data via databases, web services and multiple API’s.

Fast Iron is a hosted web application that delivers custom content to the dealer in the whatever format they require. Want to link to our site, fine. Want us to host your site, not a problem. Want consume data with web services and deliver through you site, absolutely! Fast Iron is about getting the information you need in your hands, how you access or deliver content is up to you.

Fast Iron already maintains connectivity to most required data sources. If you are dealer currently using CatFacts there no IT resource requirements to get started. Going forward, if your dealership wants to include additional data sources and functionality in Fast Iron, your IT department will be involved in identifying data location and providing Fast Iron access to integrate.
Fast Iron is designed to size automatically to run on any mobile device.
No. Only authorized dealership personnel can access it.
Yes. In addition to capabilities to create spreadsheet, pdf’s and emails, Fast Iron provides API’s that allow you to extend data into other applications. For example, the generation of sales brochure can be integrated into a CRM application as an opportunity.

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